How To Clean Safety Glasses

You rely on your safety glasses to protect your eyes while you’re on the job, so it’s important to make sure they’re clean. Here are a few tips on how to keep your safety glasses clean and in good condition.

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Before You Start

Check For Signs of Wear and Tear

Before you start cleaning, do a quick check for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice any cracks, scratches, or other damage, it’s time to replace your safety glasses.

Have These On Hand

safety glasses cleaning supplies

You’ll need a mild soap and a soft, lint-free cloth such as a microfiber cloth. Avoid harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners, or anything else that could damage the lenses.

Dust Off Loose Debris or Dirt

Before you wet your glasses, blow or lightly brush off any loose dirt or debris. This will prevent any dirt particles from being spread around when you start cleaning the lenses.

How To Clean Safety Glasses in 4 Easy Steps

Run Your Safety Glasses Under Cool or Lukewarm Water

Start by running your glasses under cool or lukewarm water. This will get rid of any remaining dirt or debris that might have accumulated in corners or crevices.

Don’t use hot water, as this could damage lens coatings or even potentially warp your lenses.

Wash With Mild Dish Detergent

Next, pour a small amount of a mild liquid dish detergent onto your glasses and lather gently with your fingertips. Avoid using any kind of scrubbing cleaner, as this could damage the lenses.

You can also use a soft toothbrush to help dislodge any grime or dirt that won’t come off with your fingers.

Rinse Well With Cool Water

Once you’ve finished scrubbing, rinse your glasses thoroughly with cool water. Be sure to remove all traces of soap, as this can cause streaks or build-up on your lenses.

Wipe Dry With a Clean Cloth

Finally, dry your safety glasses with a soft microfiber cloth. Avoid using a regular towel, which can leave lint, or a paper towel, as paper products can scratch your lenses.

If you don’t have a microfiber cleaning cloth on hand, any clean, lint-free cloth works too, or a microfiber eyeglass pouch.

How To Keep Safety Glasses From Fogging

Store Your Glasses Properly

Most safety glasses come with a hard case to protect them from being scratched or damaged. Improper storage is one of the main causes of scratched lenses, so store your safety glasses in the case to keep them clean and safe.

If you’re not going to be using them for a while, it’s also a good idea to put the case in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. This will help prevent the lenses from warping or getting discolored.

Taking a few minutes to properly store your safety glasses will help extend the life of your glasses and keep them in good condition.

What Not To Do

Don’t Use Tissues or Paper Towels

no paper products

Paper products like facial tissues, paper towels, or toilet paper contain wood particles and abrasive fibers that can scratch your lenses.

No Abrasive or Glass Cleaners

While glass cleaners do a great job cleaning glass surfaces, they’re not meant for use on safety glasses. Abrasive cleaning products like bathroom cleaners, bleach, or ammonia can scratch or damage the lenses, and glass cleaners contain chemicals that can cause streaks or smears.

No Shop Rags or Dirt Cloths

dirty shop rags

Shop rags and dirt cloths are often covered in debris, dirt, and other particles that can scratch your lenses. Even if clean, the coarse fabric used to make these cloths can cause scratches or remove lens coatings or treatments.

No Hand Sanitizer

Likewise, hand sanitizer isn’t a good idea for cleaning your safety glasses. The alcohol in hand sanitizer can damage some lens coatings, and it can also leave behind a film or residue.

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